Medical IDs for Men
Finding the right men's medical bracelet or necklace is easy when you have this many choices. Our medical IDs for men not only look great - they can also save your life. Whether you want a men's medic alert ID that's classic, rugged, or elevated, MedicAlert has you covered. Get protected today.

In an emergency, it's vital that first responders know if you have a chronic medical condition, Men's medical IDs are recommended for people with:
- Chronic medical conditions ex. diabetes or heart disease
- Severe allergies ex. food, latex, and drug allergies
- Medications that interfere with emergency treatment like blood thinners or immunosuppressants
We asked the American College of Emergency physicians this question. Per ACEP, the medical information on your men's ID should be in order of priority for EMS to make a quick diagnosis. They suggested this order:
- Severe allergies
- Medications - ex. blood thinners, insulin
- Medical conditions
- Implanted medical devices
- Other important info"
Using the medical ID feature on your smartphone is a good idea, but shouldn't be your primary protection. You may not always have your phone with you.
If you're in an accident, your phone could be broken or separated from you. And while first responders are trained to look for medical IDs, they don't necessarily check your phone.
QR code medical ids for men are a great option. With a quick scan of your code, first responders have instant access to your comprehensive medical info.
Your personal QR code is linked to your MedicAlert health profile. It's where you can store your allergies, medications, medical conditions, important health documents, and more. More information = faster, better care.