Smart Medical ID Card

Smart Medical ID Card

Product No: 104140000


This smart medical ID card uses proven QR code technology for quick access to your personal health information - anytime, anywhere. A quick scan from a smart phone camera opens up your detailed health profile, including medical conditions, allergies, medications, and more. The QR code is always up to date with the latest information in your MedicAlert health profile.

Your health history is easily accessible to help you communicate with a new provider or show proof of vaccinations. And in an emergency, first responders have access to your complete medical information to help you receive fast and accurate care.

It's a good idea to carry multiple cards for your children or loved ones, to easily access their medical history and share information with doctors, school personnel, coaches, camp staff, or other caregivers.

Requires an active membership.

How does the Smart Medical ID Card work?

The beauty of the Smart Medical ID is that when first responders scan your QR code, they access all the vital medical information stored in your MedicAlert health profile. This includes allergies, medical conditions, medications, implanted devices, and more - everything they need to make faster, more accurate decisions about your treatment. When you make an update in your MedicAlert health profile, it's immediately reflected in your QR code - so your most up-to-date medical info is always available. 

In addition to emergency situations, the Smart ID Card is very handy when you need health information for a new doctor, or want to keep track of your medications. Great for caregivers who need to access their loved one's information at any time. 

What if my Smart Medical ID Card is lost or stolen? How do you protect my privacy?

If your card is lost or stolen, you can easily disable your QR code by contacting our Member Services team. All MedicAlert data is encrypted and stored on HIPAA-compliant servers for your protection.
