Medical ID Smart IDs
What's the benefit of a QR code medical ID? With a quick scan, your comprehensive health info is available anytime you need it. First responders see way more detail than on a traditional ID. Plus, QR code medical IDs are discreet, so you keep your personal health info private but accessible.

Your unique QR code is linked to your MedicAlert health profile. By scanning your QR (Quick Response) code with a smart phone, first responders can access all the vital medical information stored there.
Your profile includes allergies, medical conditions, medications, implanted devices, and more - everything EMS needs to make faster, more accurate decisions about your care.
Scanning your QR code brings up a wealth of real time information to help first responders make important decisions about your treatment:
- Allergies
- Medications
- Medical conditions
- Implanted medical devices
- Physician and emergency contacts
- Notice of DNR (if applicable)
- And more
More information means you get faster, more accurate treatment when you need it most.
The beauty of a QR code medical alert ID is that it syncs with your MedicAlert health profile. Let's say you have a new medication. When you add it to your online health profile, it's immediately available when your QR code is scanned. You don't have to worry about replacing your QR code ID when your medical information changes, because it updates in real time.
If you lose your QR ID or believe that it's been stolen, contact MedicAlert right away. Our Member Care team will immediately disable the code to protect your health information.
You can also disable a code online by accessing the Smart IDs section of your MedicAlert account. If you find the ID later, your code can easily be reactivated for your use.